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In this post, we cover the most interesting and useful design patterns for web applications. We'll be diving into a few of the most important aspects of web design with a practical approach. The goal is to provide you with all of the necessary information to build your very first web app without getting too bogged down in technical details. For an introduction to these concepts, as well as more examples and the full list of patterns, please visit our sample project on GitHub: https://github. com/facebookarchive/react-design-patterns. The post is split up into 3 parts: Part 1 will give you a brief overview of the challenges that are faced when building web apps. We'll discuss the various patterns that have evolved over the last 20 years to solve these challenges, and then dive into each pattern in more detail. Part 2 steps through each design pattern by explaining what it is, how to use it, how to implement it, and finally shows you some real world examples. Part 3 and 4 show the solutions to the 2 most common problems: how to manage state and how to write code that is reusable and decoupled. Throughout this post we use examples from Facebook's react-design-patterns project, which implements many of these design patterns (along with some additional ones) using React. Lets begin by looking at some of the major ways in which web applications differ from native applications. Most applications have a navigator, a browser. Even on mobile, there is usually some sort of browser window. When you use an app, your whole screen becomes the navigator, and all the content you see on that page is part of the application state. A web app will also have a user interface (UI) that interacts with the user to provide feedback and highlight what's happening in the current context of the application. React was designed to work well on both mobile and desktop platforms; however, one difference between mobile apps and desktop apps is how they manage state. Most mobile applications use pushState to update their UI when they navigate between pages or refresh their view. This means that if a user was on a certain page, and later navigates to another page, the view of that second page will contain the same state as the original page. In contrast, most desktop apps use hashchange events to update their views when UI state changes. This means that subsequent navigation or refresh of a view completely replaces or re-renders the new state from the previous traversal. In order to avoid this difference in navigation behavior, Web Components enable web applications to manage their own application state completely in memory, so it can be different depending on where a user has been within an app. cfa1e77820